Kitchen working triangle accomplished…..

Have you got a
Working triangle in your kitchen…?

Once accomplished your kitchen will run efficiently

The kitchen is the busiest room in the houses and it has to contend with a large amount traffic from all members of the family and guests all year round.

Throughout the lifespans of a kitchen there are countless visits to the Fridge, the Sink and the Oven/Hob. These three items in a kitchen are the core of the kitchen and everything centres around them and if there was an imaginary line drawn between them it would be the shape of a triangle.

This triangle is commonly known as the working triangle and it’s a great place to start when designing your kitchen layout because once this is achieved your kitchen will run very efficiently.

For example, it is essential allow where possible and subject to the size of your kitchen, ample worktop around the fridge, sink and oven. This helpful for the fact that whilst taking items out of or bringing items to each to them, you can now put the products onto the worktop for ease and comfort.

Considerations also needs to be made for food preparations, cooking/eating, packing/storing, entertaining/lounging plus access for movement in and around the kitchen.

In many cases this is very useful from a safety perspective to avoid any unforeseen accidents, harm or damage to the persons, livestock and your property.

Some kitchen layouts unfortunately cannot achieve a working triangle due to the fact that the kitchen is all on one wall but the safety aspect still apply when designing.

For further details please contact us on anyone of the links below

Broderick Crawford CEO

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