Cabinet Refit/Makeover

Cabinet Refit and Makeovers

Some times it’s just easier and cheaper to refresh the look of your kitchen, by using a number of clever techniques.
The end results can completely transform the look of your kitchen and can give the illusion that you have a new kitchen.

By changing the worktop alone can change the look of your kitchen. Changing the all of the trim in the room, the panels and the plinth (kickboard) again adds another dimension. Changing all frontals or simply combining all of the above subject to your budget, can create a lovely new feel and look to the room.

So if your existing kitchen is in a relatively good condition, but you have any of the following concerns, you may benefit from having a refit or a makeover. Listed below are some reason to have a refit/makeover with so call us now to arrange a suitable date and time for a installation.

  •  Your current kitchen has faded doors.

  • Broken or missing frontals.

  • Refit to include an appliance or additional cabinets.

  • The kitchen looks out of date .

  • Worktop has excessive wear and tear